hey there


I’m Pod. I like to listen to music, methodically.

this is the original stock background WordPress image, because I’m lazy

ranked artists: 213
last ranked:
Omnipotent Youth Society (万能青年旅店) (C+)

to-do artists: 262
last to-doed:
Early Eyes

Eric Chou (周興哲)

on deck:

this is tunafruitsandwitch

I’m Pod. Thought of calling this Pod’s Playlists, but that’s both a little on the nose and at the same time not all that accurate. Still holding out on Pod’s Cast, though. Just need to… well, make a podcast.

Anyway, I’ve got a list of music artists I want to listen to. Some of them I suspect I’ll like, some of them I suspect I won’t- they make the list because they’ve been recommended to me, or I’ve really enjoyed a song or two from them, or they’re culturally or musically significant in some way and I think they’re worth having listened to. In any case, this list, I’ve got it. I use it to track and organize my listening habits, and to improve my listening skills. I dislike making premature judgements. I very much enjoy making judgements and feeling good about them. I dislike feeling like I’m unqualified, like I can’t trust or rely on my opinion. I very much enjoy making myself so that I am qualified to have a worthy opinion. I go through the list one artist at a time, listening to their entire discography in chronological order, and ranking them in a style similar to a tier list. The plan is to get through the entire list, but it’s growing all the time so also the plan is to never get through the entire list. That’s the gist of this blog- this is where it’ll all be publicized because I have impeccable taste and everyone constantly trips over themselves trying to get my opinion. Enjoy.

Before you enjoy, some things to note:
One- the purpose of this site. I try to understand the biases I may have in my rankings. I don’t care about trying to avoid them. Ultimately my rankings are more about my preference than about what I suspect is quote-unquote “good”. Of course I’ll take note of those biases as part of my rationale, but they’ll still be a part of my rationale. I enjoy being thoughtful, but this is about me and how I make the music I listen to mine.
Two- the general navigation of this site. ‘Blog‘ has the big chunky stuff. Essays and junk. Prolly not very good but something to do. ‘Send a Recommendation‘ is where you should send me recommendations. Inspired name, I know. ‘FAQS‘ has got some more specific and direct information about the blog and my general process. I’d highly recommend checking that out if you wanna really know what’s going on here. ‘The List‘ is split into a brief explanation and to-dos (under “to-dos“), a chronological archive of my listening (“timeline“), and the ranked list where interesting stuff happens (“rankings“). Luvvit. The bottom of this page shows my recent activity on this site. Pretty wild.

To be clear. This site is mine. It is for me. It is made up of my opinions. The site exists and is public because it’s convenient, because I feel like it, and maybe because I’m a little bit curious to see what happens. It doesn’t exist because I’m invested in creating content or developing an audience or changing how the world sees music or anything like that. It exists for me. Occasionally I’ll throw up a short essay or something. That’s because I enjoy writing essays and junk. Hey, it’s weird to me, too. They help me to better understand how I feel about this stuff, and better understanding how I feel about stuff is what this project is all about. Yeah? It’s about me. It’s not about you, it’s not about the world. It’s not not about the music, but I want it to be explicitly clear that any amount that it is about the music is only insomuch as the music is filtered by me and my understanding.

That said, anything I say, think, or feel is still objectively true and universally applicable, obviously, or I wouldn’t be dumb enough to say, think, or feel it. Know you are fortunate indeed to experience my wisdom.

Latest from the Blog

Have I published anything new recently? Anything chunky? Prolly not but if yes here it is!

No More English! (for three months)

I’m gonna be living in Taiwan for the next three months. I’ll be studying Mandarin. I’m super excited, and I’m determined to make the most of it. I want to develop some competence with the language, I want to develop some competence with the culture, and in general I just really want to do a…

Latest Listen

What’s “a listen”? Learn more here.


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Latest Relistens and Edits

“Okay, come on. ‘Relisten’ isn’t even a word, what are you on about?”
Let me tell you.


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