16: Two Door Cinema Club (B+→A-)

Two Door Cinema Club in tier list

within album feels same-y, but only done a first pass

RELISTEN1: I like it way more than I remembered. First album kinda rocks. Assorted eps and singles are alright. Albums two and three and four I don’t like as much, but they’re still pretty solid. Album five, Keep On Smiling, I quite like, that’s a good album. All around I’d say Tourist history and Keep On Smiling I thought were “good” albums- the rest I wouldn’t call as such but I still wasn’t disappointed by at all, they just had songs that ran a little long for my taste or didn’t catch my attention or whatever other minor issue. 

I remember when I first listened just thinking it was all so repetitive- I think part of that is I’ve listened to a lot more music since then, and music in this vein in particular, and am now better equipped to listen, the differences are louder to me now, easier to pick out. And part of it is that they were one of the very first artists I did, number 16, and at the start of this I didn’t have my strict “each album through twice” rule. I also used to sort some songs into a ‘maybe’ playlist that I intended to go back and listen to later to see I if I liked them enough to put in my main playlist. I ended up never actually using that playlist, never listening to those maybes. Some time way long ago, before I can remember, I scrapped it and now I just put maybes in my main playlist and let myself be open to taking them out. I’ve shifted my default to something that guarantees me more exposure and practice with artists I don’t initially like, instead of less. 

All of that to say, I only ever listened to them once through, and marked loads of songs as maybes that I never actually went back and listened to. In a sense, they’ve only been half done this whole time, according to my current standard. So yeah, this listen through has been a pretty different experience from my first. On the whole I really liked them a lot, I’m definitely gonna have to do another relisten at some point in the future but for now I’m gonna bump them up to a high A-, that feels good

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