26: Matchbox Twenty (A-→B+)

Matchbox Twenty in tier list

very consistent, well constructed songs, I enjoy almost every song a lot, no favorites, and albums aren’t much more than collection of songs

RELISTEN1: it’s good, it is, but I’m left feeling a little unfulfilled. This is too harsh of me to say, this is a personal judgement from afar, but I feel like they’ve got no spark. Like, no, yeah, they’re doing a good job, all the parts are there, but something is still missing. It’s got everything it needs to sound good, but it’s missing something to make me care. I can let somebody into A- range if I only care about them a little bit. I don’t know if I can if I don’t care about them at all, no matter how pleasant they are to listen to. They’re good, they have good songs, but there really is… I dunno, something’s missing I can’t describe, and I don’t like their formula enough to make up the difference

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