27: Green Day (B)

Green Day in tier list

I like the ones I like but some of ‘em are samey with each other or screamy

RELISTEN1: I like them more on first blush than I’d initially remembered, I think my tolerance for what feels “screamy” has changed significantly since I last listened to them. That said, I definitely think they fall into the trap of being samey, of being repetitive. More so than some other similar bands that I might like more individual songs of, I think because of how Armstrong’s voice is kinda slurry, almost? When the words blur, and the music is similar, the whole song loses a lot of whatever individual identity it had. Albums three and four were I think a little more refined but really didn’t feel different, for better and worse. Same energy, good consistency, but I really am not often compelled to like any particular song. Next albums are a similar message, it’s fine but I just can’t tell songs apart, it’s all blah at some point. I don’t think the reason it feels samey is actually Armstrong’s voice (or at least, not all of it), ‘cause he get’s clearer on some later albums that still feel samey to me. That said, the later albums that are a little bit more polished and poppy, a little bit less aggressive and a little bit less dense with sound, I like more I think. All around I’d still say I don’t particularly love ‘em or hate ‘em, some good songs but mostly they’re pretty mid, I actually think bottom of B rank is the best place for them after all

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