35: The Wombats (A+→B-)

The Wombats in tier list

about half the albums I absolutely love, half are great but not in love category yet, most recent album not sure about yet, overall solid really good

EDIT: the more I listened to them the less sure I became, it got to the point every time I looked at my list and saw them at A+ I felt a deep dissatisfaction. I finally did a full relisten and what I learned is that I do legitimately like them, I do legitimately like all of their songs, it’s just that all of their songs are the same song. Which is like, what’s the point, you know? it’s tricky because I like the song well enough, but there’s really just nothing interesting or clever. on my first listen through I was really generous (A+) because often what sounds like one song or sound expands as you listen to it and gains tons of complexity and depth, but that hasn’t happened here. if anything they sounded more shallow and less complex. they write a fun pop song, but that’s kinda all they do. write A (singular), one, fun pop song. So I kept a song or two from each album, for representation, chucked all the rest, and moved them down to B-. Much better this way

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