37: Maggie Rogers (A+→S-)

Maggie Rogers in tier list

really solid, lots of good songs, consistent

RELISTEN1: I love Heard It in a Past Life. I love it a lot, I always have, it’s one of my favorite albums. When I did my first listen and ranking of Maggie Rogers, it was the only album she had out; it’s what I based her initial A+ on. I listened to her next albums as they came out but neither of them made anywhere near the same impression on me. I really really loved Heard It in a Past Life. I’ve listened to it many times, but not always with much attention and focus. I mostly listen to it to enjoy it, not to reevaluate it. This was the first time I did listen to reevaluate in a long while, and I’m definitely glad I did. The first half of the album is phenomenal, it’s as good or better than it is in my head, some of my absolute favorite songs. The second half has a couple more songs that are on that level, but for the most part it’s just pretty good. In my head, this album was a perfect album. Not necessarily the best album, or the perfect album, but a perfect album. Sting’s Ten Summoner’s Tales, fun.’s Aim and Ignite, Brandon Flowers’ The Desired Effect— I think those are all perfect albums. In my head, so was Heard It in a Past Life, but listening to it again I think it’s only very very excellent. That’s a little bit of a bummer, but the bright side is that when relistening to her other two albums I found I liked them way, way more than I remembered.

When I first listened to Surrender, I thought it was fine. There were a couple songs I liked, but none of them were the “perfect songs” I was hoping for, none of them could hope to match the perfect songs in Past Life. More than that, the album as a whole didn’t stand out to me. That impression of Surrender wasn’t enough to warrant liking Rogers less, it didn’t diminish Past Life, but it was a bit of a bummer to me that the new album was just alright when Past Life was, in my head, a perfect album. Relistening to Surrender this go around was a very different experience. This was the first time I’d listened to the whole album since it first came out. I was three quarters of the way through my relisten, still just thinking it was nothing special, when something about it started to change in my ears. I’m not exactly sure why. Maybe it was just the mood I was in; my heart was a little bit heavy at that moment, so it definitely could have been that. Whatever it was, something in the album started to resonate with me. So I listened to it again, an extra time, not required for the relisten. I don’t know if what I needed was that extra repetition or if it was the extra time or if it was just random, but it hit me different. I still don’t think Surrender has any “perfect songs” the way I feel like Past Life has “perfect songs”, but I do think it’s a very excellent album.

Past Life isn’t as good as my memories of it, but the parts that are are impeccable. Surrender connected with me in a way I didn’t expect it to— as an album I think it’s probably the best arranged and put together. Don’t Forget Me is super solid, pretty inscrutable. It doesn’t have a specific niche for me the way Surrender and Past Life do. I don’t really have a lot to say about it. I don’t think it’s worse, I just don’t have a novel thing to say about it. It’s also great. I ended up spending this last week or so listening to all three albums again and again, over and over, each one at least three times through. They’re all so good. Maggie Rogers is so good. I’m pretty thoroughly sold. I’m bumping Rogers up to an S-, I’m convinced, I’m a fan

2 thoughts on “37: Maggie Rogers (A+→S-)

  1. Gosh, I wish I felt the same way. I’ve listened to a lot of Maggie Rogers at this point, and I am just so divided with her. There are a couple of her songs that I really like, and in general, I love her lyrics, and I love her music. So what’s the problem for me?

    Maggie Rogers falls into the same boat as The Strokes for me, in the fact that I love the music, I just can’t listen to the singing itself. The specific way she sings that is irritating to me she doesn’t do in all of her songs, but with every album she releases, there are more songs where she is singing in that way. It makes me so sad, because I love a lot of her earlier stuff, she’s a great person outside of music, and she is able to write stuff that is just so so good. Man, I just can’t listen to her voice.

    I will keep trying, I’m determined to not give up on her. I really really want to like her, she’s so good at what she does. It’s happened to me in the past where I really struggle with something and then end up loving it (ex. The Killers), and I hope she falls into that boat. But damn do I wish she would just sing like she did in her first album.


    1. That is such a bummer. I’m lucky in that the only bands that have had vocals I genuinely cannot stand (Morrissey in The Smiths, to a lesser degree David Byrne in Talking Heads) also had music I didn’t really care about anyway, so I can write them off as definitely unenjoyable, no sweat. I’d hate it if I loved everything about something except the vocals, that sucks. Sorry man, good luck in your future Maggie Rogers endeavors


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