59: The Libertines (B-→B+)

The Libertines in tier list

first album (of Libertines) is pretty good, other two are very meh, DPT is solid, CB is fine, overall alright but harder than I like

RELISTEN1: I cannot believe I ever described The Libertines as “harder than I like”. If that doesn’t demonstrate how far I’ve come from when I first started this project, I don’t know what does. They’re not super polished, maybe, but by no means are they “hard” rock. Wild. As far as actual opinions of them go, they’re pretty good. I still don’t love them, they’re not my favorite, but I can see why they were significant to their space. Up the Bracket, their first album, really is quite good. Solid all the way through, really good. Album 2 is also pretty good, but definitely less so. I like them progressively less with each album, but not by a ton. And it’s not like they’re ever bad. I just lose interest, or they become less interesting, or some combination of the two. But I do really like the first album, and I like them generally, even if my attachment to them is weak. I’m happy to bump them up to a low B+

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