97: Hunter Hayes (B-→B+)

Hunter Hayes in tier list

good, fun songs. country all sounds the same to me. maybe that’ll change as I listen to more of it but for now all I can really say is that this was pretty good, seemed like pretty good country. not particularly impressive to me, but it’s not like it sounds bad

RELISTEN1: I think I was hoping/half expecting to love it on this relisten, and I don’t. But, it is solid. It’s also not actually very country at all? Like, as far as these things go I’d be more inclined to call it pop than true “country”. Like, yeah he’s coming up in the Nashville scene, he’s got some country twang in his voice and whatever, but the production and arrangement of these songs is not strictly country at all. The lyrics and themes definitely fit within the country umbrella, but they fit just as well under the pop umbrella. All of which becomes increasingly true as time goes on until its just straight up pop. I dunno. Lots of songs I really like a lot, especially in the first album. After that there aren’t as many I like as much, but it’s not the drop in quality I remembered, he stays pretty steady throughout. I think a B+ would be appropriate. Yeah, I think all around I wanna call him a B+

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