127: Kings of Leon (A-)

Kings of Leon in tier list

early on remind me a little bit of Cage the Elephant, and a lot of The War on Drugs, in a way that makes me think maybe I should go back and try to listen to tWoD again. Later started to remind me a lot of Her’s, for much the same reason, use of empty space. I normally don’t like so much empty space but Kings of Leon mighta sold me on it, I don’t know what about it was different or if there’s just been enough time or exposure to that sound for me by now, but I really liked their use of empty space, in a song (empty space not necessarily meaning not many sounds, but meaning not dense with new sounds). By the third album I felt they really started to hit their stride, I think I like every album from then on, would call them good albums. Might go back and relisten to the first two and see if I’d say that of them now that I have context and practice listening to the band. Solid high A-, and I can definitely see them growing on me in the future

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