141: Ariana Grande (B)

Ariana Grande in tier list

I like the music a good bit, actually, pretty consistent, pretty engaging. Occasionally samey/boring, but not as much as I think I expected. But I really am not a fan of the Ariana Grande experience, of her persona, of her themes and lyrics. She’s consistently very sexual, and increasingly so as time passes. It’s distracting for me personally, and more than that, I think it’s lazy and demonstrative of a lack of real introspective ability. If the primary emotion behind most of your songs is lust, then fine, whatever, but do something with that more than just “sometimes I’m this kind of horny, sometimes I’m that kind of horny”. Right, take that next step, dig past the glitz and glamour. So yeah, music is pretty solid, but the more I listen the less I like what she reveals of herself as a person. How many songs can you write about how “you don’t usually do this sort of thing” before you start asking yourself, “hey, I’m kinda doing this sort of thing a lot, what’s going on”.

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