144: Chris Brown (F+)

Chris Brown in tier list

this one is tricky for me, I feel he doesn’t quite fit anywhere, I feel like I have to justify why he ended up as my third F rank. Because the thing is, I don’t dislike the music. By and large, it’s fine, it’s decent. It’s not necessarily to my taste, but there are definitely songs that vibe, everything’s well made and well produced, I could see the music growing on me. 

But for the lyrics. I like to think I’m pretty tolerant of lyrics in most ways. I don’t think lyrics have to be perfect, you can have good songs with meh lyrics. I can tolerate and ignore more profanity than is my preference, more vulgarity than is my preference, more cringe than is my preference, more awkward phrasing than is my preference. But not this much. Like, jeez, man. I dunno if this is truly just the genre standard and I’m gonna learn that I really do dislike rap, but this is too much. It’s one thing to be vulgar, to allude to sex or to make innuendo. It’s one thing to be weird and a little uncomfortable and awkwardly intense with your subject matter, whatever it may be. It’s another thing to just be gross. Like, holy shit, dude, I don’t wanna hear about any of this stuff, what the hell? 

And it’s not like there’s something interesting if you look beyond the surface level stuff. The superficial layer of overwhelming, graphic, detailed sex is all there is. To varying degrees, admittedly. Some songs are more along the lines of “damn you hot I want that”, which I think is lazy and dumb but still tolerable. But there is so much that’s just like, “pussy, sex, bitches on my d, sex sex sex sexity sex”. That’s obviously paraphrasing, but not by as much as I’d’ve hoped. I just, it’s overwhelming, it’s so distracting, I do not like it. 

And, it’s not good. The lyrics are gross and distracting and viscerally unpleasant to hear, and 95% of the songs are about absolutely nothing. Just vacant, horny thoughts, plus the occasional (quote unquote) deep vulnerable moment about how living so horny can be hard. 

And, and, it also sucks because when he started he was this sweet teenage kid with a track saying thanks to his mom for helping him pursue his dream, and by album three he was singing/rapping whatever about his domestic abuse charges. I’m trying not to be a dick, not to judge this out of hand, but I’ve been listening to it for weeks and I’ve been giving it genuine consideration and I’m trying to be rational about it and I just, I do not want it. I don’t want it.

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