147: The Oh Hellos (A-)

The Oh Hellos in tier list

I really like this kind of stuff, there’s definitely a genre preference advantage coming into play here. I really quite liked them, I was surprised by how consistently good I felt they were, I was engaged and pleased the whole time I was listening. For sure nothing groundbreaking, but I thought they did what they did really well, good mix of soft and hard/high and low energy, good lyrics, good album composition. Pencilling in as a low A-, but I definitely can see them growing on me. Especially if a couple of individual songs catch my attention and become favorites; none of them have so far, but that kind of thing usually takes me a minute, if they end up with a couple songs I really grow to love that would make a big difference. Alternatively, it’s also possible they grow to feel repetitive and samey and I bump them down, but I hope not, and in this particular case I doubt that will happen. But yeah, good stuff, definitely in my wheelhouse

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