149: Passengers (B-)

Passengers in tier list

First album was great, I actually really quite liked that one, that was very good. Then the band broke up and it was just the singer, the main songwriter who kept the name and kept going. Significantly less good. Just, immediately felt more like slow, boring guy-with-a-guitar type stuff. That’s a little harsh, I like it more than that, but it was disappointing after I got so excited from the first album. Since then theres been some songs I like, but by and large the other albums have mushed by. A couple albums I’ve liked a little more (Young as the Morning Old as the Sea, Runaway) that have been… not great, not “good album” worthy, but pretty decent. Overall the vast majority of this I feel is pretty bland and forgettable, save for Wicked Man’s Rest which kinda slaps, which pushes it into the upper end of B-

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