153: Cosmo Sheldrake (B)

Cosmo Sheldrake in tier list

most of the songs with vocals I really like, The Much Much How How and I I think was legit and could definitely see myself growing to love that. Took me a couple songs to feel out the vibe but after that it clicked pretty quick, at least at some entry level of click. It was recommended to me as very weird; the first album I really don’t think is very weird at all. It uses instrumentation atypical to contemporary pop music, but it’s actually very consistently themed, well structured and well put together. 

That said, the other albums, the instrumental stuff, definitely does go weird. I don’t normally like calling things weird because more often than not it’s an excuse to say something is different from yourself more than it’s saying it’s different from actual standards, but unless someone can point me to the common standard of albums composed partly (though not insignificantly) of whalesong, I feel pretty confident in calling this a little weird. On the whole the instrumental stuff is good, is fine- not really my jam tho. Purely instrumental music almost never is, just doesn’t hold my attention. I am a classically trained pianist, a pretty decent one, so that’s a little rough for me. Anyway, all that to say that the album I like I like a lot and could see myself liking more, but it looks to me like that’s not the kind of thing that Sheldrake actually prefers to make. So, high B

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