157: Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad (D-)

Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad in tier list

I am trying not to dismiss out of hand, I am, but sometimes it’s really hard for me. I just don’t know how to listen to this (and in my limited experience, to all reggae, though that’s not an empirical observation yet), I don’t know how to hear it without it just going straight through my brain, in and out. It feels so much like nothing-music. Does that make sense? It’s long and slow and empty and repetitive and I can’t hold onto it for the life of me, it slips away. It’s the kind of thing, it feels like it’s maximally inoffensive as background music. But even then, even for background music, I’d still prefer music with a distinct identity. I dunno. Maybe that will change once I get more reps in and learn how to listen to it better, who’s to say. They do have a couple albums that lean farther into folk than reggae, which if nothing else communicates that they aren’t slaves to a genre, which I appreciate even if I still didn’t love those albums. So yeah, I’m by no means set on keeping these guys down low, but right now I’m just not equipped to be able to listen to it and like it more than a D-

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