165: Zac Brown Band (B-)

Zac Brown Band in tier list

definitely country, got the accent and the themes and the instruments and all that- stylistically for sure “country”. But he writes his own songs and they’re fun. Not breaking any molds, but fun. As time goes on it expands from the most basic country archetypes, touches full pop, touches purer rock, which I think is only a good thing. Country that doesn’t know how to be anything but country is hard for me to really respect. Country that’s proven it’s choosing away from other things to be country is still not my jam but I can appreciate it. Lots of good, lots of stuff I appreciate. I think though that generally it just doesn’t really grab my attention, regardless of what styling it has. Maybe it’ll grow on me but for now I’m a little indifferent to it, I’m calling it a pretty decent B-

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