179: The Postal Service (B+)

The Postal Service in tier list

I’m comparing this to Death Cab, obviously, dunno why I wouldn’t, it’s Ben Gibbard. I think it’s good, it’s fun, there are a good handful of songs I like a lot, and then there are a bunch of songs that I think suffer from some of the same things that lots of Death Cab’s songs suffer from. It’s not that they’re slow, per se, it’s just that they feel long, feel empty. Sometimes space is good, you can definitely have songs that are too “squashed”, too dense (see: Jacob Collier), but I don’t think I love it here. I’m gonna call it a B+. That checks out pretty well with the timeline for Death Cab, too, The Postal Service’s album came out around the time Death Cab’s albums started picking up, started to get good, but before I think they fully hit what I feel is their stride

One thought on “179: The Postal Service (B+)

  1. I enjoyed listening to this. Electro-pop, kind of dancy – both in a club or in your bedroom at home alone, good times. Some catchy melodies, some interesting lyrics, ear-catching harmonic surprises. And Such Great Heights holds up. Hadn’t heard it in a long time. Loved hearing it again. (B)


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