181: Harry Styles (A+)

Harry Styles in tier list

immediate impression was very positive, and it stayed positive throughout. The music is interesting, he’s interesting. I didn’t usually love the songs that he was credited on in 1D. I don’t know if that’s because he stepped it up after going solo or if his style just doesn’t actually mix very well with the corporate momentum of the boy band. In any case, he’s great here. First album is great, second is also great but I don’t like it quite as much, third is superb. I really like most everything Styles has done with his solo stuff, and the stuff I don’t is still nothing I’d ever call bad, he’s super legit. I like most all of his songs, I like all of his albums as albums (which is saying something), I like his general vibes, I like it all. It’s all really good, A+

One thought on “181: Harry Styles (A+)

  1. What can I say? I dig Harry Styles. And I have this sneaky suspicion he is only going to keep getting better. I was surprised I knew as many songs as I did. And was even more surprised, and happily, with how much I liked the songs I didn’t know. The third album in particular is strong. By the end of the 2nd listen I was ready to listen again – to the FULL album. Not just certain songs. The whole thing. He’s melodically interesting. His songs are a weirdly mixed vibe of pop, indie, coffee shop, stadium. What a fellow. And an artsy one at that. Harry Styles gets an A from me with a strong and excited look forward to what is coming next.


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