194: Teezo Touchdown (C)

Teezo Touchdown in tier list

I’m feeling a bit of dissonance here. There are parts where I listen and go, “oh yeah, he’s legit, that’s neat”. There are parts where I listen and am left wanting at best, and uncomfortable at worst. Parts that don’t sound good, that don’t sound interesting, that don’t have lyrics I care at all about. I like a lot of the more musical side of things, and dislike a lot of the presentation and performance of that music. Part of me is drawn to the dissonance; there’s such an odd clash (that I perceive) between his music and his image, I feel, and that is curious to me. Part of me just doesn’t like it, the image makes me uncomfortable. I also am frankly a bit turned away by his getup. When I’m just listening to the music that doesn’t have an impact, I can’t see him, but when I do see him in his spiky-shoulderpad-nail outfit, teeth caps and all, I get weirded out. That’s not very openminded of me, but it is what it is.

I think I am gonna give a C. There are songs I like, but nothing I really love, and there’s plenty that just leaves me thinking “wow, what an idiot”. But there’s also plenty of stuff that I think is clever and cool. I tend to like his collaborations more than not, which I feel confirms, at least a little, that I do like his songwriting ideas and there’s just something about his presentation that loses me. Maybe I’ll become more openminded, maybe I’ll grow to like it, but I don’t right now, not enough

One thought on “194: Teezo Touchdown (C)

  1. Oh boy Teezo Touchdown! I was not expecting to like this at all. I had never heard of TT. So why the sour expectation? Because the visuals on Apple Music freaked me out. Legit unsettling. And then so many singles! So many singles makes me angry. Just make an album. So yes, I went into my initial listen with a bad attitude.

    I think it was on my second listen through of the singles that I started warming up to TT. He has a lot of different sounds – dance, pop, touches of country?, rock, hip hop, rock boom. He does a lot of different things with his voice – raps, whines, soul, slay. Many different feels. He kept my interest. I enjoyed listening. At least two songs, maybe three, made it on to my permanent playlist. Three songs?! TT you won me over. How did you do it? I’m still not sure. Teezo Touchdown gets a B-.


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