197: Black Pumas (A-)

Black Pumas in tier list

I dig it. For sure, yeah, I dig it. This is music you dig, y’know? I don’t know that there are any songs I love, no real standouts, but I like just about every song, they’re all pretty good, they’re all vibing. I think it would’ve been too mellow, too repetitive for me a year ago. But I’ve gotten better at listening since then, and in particular I think I’ve gotten better at listening to the blues, and to blues inspired stuff. I’m a big fan of bluesy songs at this point. This isn’t bluesy like White Stripes is bluesy; R&B/Soul blues is a pretty different sound from blues rock and roll. But they do feel similar, they feel like cousins, they both live in that bluesy zone of generating interest out of simplicity, of finding groove. I like it a lot, A-

One thought on “197: Black Pumas (A-)

  1. This is a soulful, vibey band. After reading your post I am inspired, or at least intrigued with the idea of getting to know the Blues more. I listen to this kind of music in the same way you described your experience with instrumental music. I can tell it’s good. I like it. But I just can’t stay focused on it. It stays perpetually in the background for me. Sometimes I would snap myself back to attention and say – pay attention girl! Listen to the lyrics, the structure, the instrumental magic – sometime! But then I would float away again, albeit happily – like I said, this this music is vibey and I like the groove! I just couldn’t stay focused. So with that – recognizing the quality and enjoy the atmosphere, but unable to connect – I give Black Pumas a B-!


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