200: Bobbing (S-)

Bobbing in tier list

I’m a little bummed that most of the earliest stuff is instrumental. I think it’s a jam, it’s super fun, but without vocals I feel like it’s missing something. That’s a me thing, but there it is. And I know it’s a me thing, I’ve always been this way- instrumental stuff is always fighting an uphill battle to win my ears. And yet, despite that uphill battle, I think Bobbing still won me over, even in that early stuff. It’s rhythmically interesting, harmonically interesting, just plain enjoyable, I like it a lot a lot. And I think the more I listen to it, the more I’ll like it. Even on just a second listen I liked it substantially more. 

Year of the Newt won me over with zero struggle. I think it might be one of my favorite albums, it’s so meticulous and engaging. It’s a little longer form than Bob’s earlier stuff, it’s got lyrics and singing on most all the songs, and it just thoroughly slaps.

This is my jam. I’m gonna give it an S-, above Still Woozy. I’m more attached to Still Woozy, he’s got more songs that I know, that I can sing along to. But this absolutely tickles every single part of me, this is so good. Still Woozy’s got another album coming out in a couple months, I figure if he wants his spot back he can convince me then. Frankly, the only reason these two S-’s (both solo shootoffs of Feed Me Jack) aren’t full S’s is because they’ve only really got one (what I would admittedly somewhat arbitrarily call) full album apiece. But yeah I love this, I’m sold.

One thought on “200: Bobbing (S-)

  1. Bobbing – there were moments that totally caught my attention, but a lot of it didn’t. Like the instrumental tracks. I like instrumental music, but I found with this band their instrumental stuff sounded more for private consumption than public. At least I had trouble connecting to it, but I’m quite sure they loved playing it! I just kept hoping they would start singing soon, and then when they did I was really happy about it.

    I am interested to hear more from them. I hope there are many future albums to come. This music is intelligent and energetic and engaging – but also felt disjointed to me. I just couldn’t get into a flow with it. In and out and all about is how I experienced it.

    It has the potential to be a band that I love. My fingers for are crossed. In the meantime I give it a B-


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