202: Dirty Pretty Things (B+)

Dirty Pretty Things in tier list

Dirty Pretty Things is solid, a lot more so than I’d remembered. Relistening to Waterloo to Anywhere, it’s great. I originally said “it’s solid”, and like, yeah. That’s true, and that’s about it. Although, I think my first time through, when I ranked it as part of Carl Barat, I only cared for about half the songs on this first album and now I’m listening and I think it’s good all the way through. I like all the songs, it’s a good album. Romance at Short Notice was totally new to me this listen- I’d never heard that one, it slipped under my radar the first go around. I had to listen to it from YouTube (something I used to not check for at all). It’s alright. I don’t like it near as much as Waterloo to Anywhere but it’s aight. 

I think I’m feeling a solid B+. I like a lot of the music, it’s pretty steadily good, but not enough to like the people behind it, not really. The shame is that Waterloo to Anywhere really is so solid, and Romance at Short Notice really is just mid. Like, I don’t like Waterloo enough on its own to justify an A, but it wouldn’t have detracted from any ranking, y’know? It wouldn’t have gotten in the way. But Romance is unimpressive to me. But who knows, maybe that’ll change with time. For now, a B+ that, amusingly to me, happens to be right next to The Libertines after all

Dirty Pretty Things complete. This was a sidequest related to my relisten of The Libertines; it did not impact my listening schedule.

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