204: Yoke Lore (A-)

Yoke Lore in tier list

I like it, it’s a vibe. It kinda reminds me of Austin Archer, the way the vocals are mixed mostly. I could definitely see it growing on me. There were 35+ songs across singles and eps, plus another 14 in the album. It all feels about the same. Not in a bad way, I like it fine enough, but there was never anything that really made me have to think about it. But it was enjoyable, I liked it well enough. A-, I think

One thought on “204: Yoke Lore (A-)

  1. I don’t feel like I can rate this. You see, I have a thing about singles. I find them annoying. Yoke Lore had SO many singles. Boo. I only listened to the one album and I found it kind of boring. Zzzzzz. Your review makes me curious though. If he ever comes out with another album I will listen. That’s the best I have for now.


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