207: Red Two Six (C)

Red Two Six in tier list

I’m bummed, I really wanted to like this a lot more. This was the conclusion to my investigation of Feed Me Jack, which first gave me Still Woozy (which I’ve loved for a long time), then gave me Bobbing (which I’ve loved for a much shorter time but maybe even more), and then finally gave me this, which I just don’t like very much. There are parts that I like, parts that get close to being like what I liked in Feed Me Jack, parts that I think are clever and fun, but mostly it feels like it’s trying too hard and being a little too extra and it ends up mostly a little bit awkward. It feels like they took every bit of Feed Me Jack that I thought was clunky and rough around the edges and made an album out of only that. Maybe that is what happened, maybe that’s what Cameron Lampert was going for, maybe that’s what he liked in Feed Me Jack. For me, though, it feels like what ultimately learned is that Feed Me Jack is, by and large, the mean of its parts, for better and worse. I give Red Two Six a C

Red Two Six complete, now listening to: Maisie Peters

One thought on “207: Red Two Six (C)

  1. Sad. I didn’t like it. And I didn’t know the connection to Still Woozy and Feed Me Jack until I read your review. Even sadder. I love Feed Me Jack. I don’t love hearing a music laid over the longest weather and traffic report I have ever heard. Boring. C-


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