213: Omnipotent Youth Society (万能青年旅店) (C+)

Omnipotent Youth Society (万能青年旅店) in tier list

I definitely like it a lot. That said, these songs are often long and instrumental, a combo I always struggle with. It’s mostly a mix of purely instrumental shorter songs and 8+ minute songs with lyrics. That’s tough.

But I do like it, it’s enjoyable to listen to, it’s pretty quality stuff. I think this is a high C+, at least at first. Maybe it’ll grow on me more as time goes on to the point that I am invested in it, that I really love it, but right now it’s more that I recognize that it’s clearly good and high quality. I respect it, and I enjoy it, but it doesn’t captivate me. It certainly doesn’t feel worth the breaks it makes with my rules of thumb on length and instrumental stuff. When I stop and give it my full attention it’s easier to feel like it’s worth it because I become more able to recognize the thought put into every element, the decisions behind designing the sound. But that’s still not enough.

Maybe someday in the future those things will outweigh my difficulties listening, but that day is not today. For now, I’m gonna say that I like it, I respect it, and I’d love to like it more in the future— I just can’t like it that much right now.

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