214: Eric Chou (周興哲) (D-)

Eric Chou (周興哲) in tier list

very love ballady, which can be fine but I feel like in this case it mostly just meant slow and boring. These aren’t crazy good ballads, either, it’s just one mid song after another. If it wasn’t a ballad, it was something more poppy/R&B-y, but those songs weren’t very good either. From start to finish Chou felt bland and boring, I never connected with him ever. That’s not even a language difference thing, probably 60+% of his songs were in English. They just weren’t interesting in the least. It was meh at first listen and I never started liking it more. It’s just boring, I don’t really care for it at all. It’s not bad, but I have no desire to listen to it. D-

Eric Chou (周興哲) complete, now listening to: G.E.M.

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